Our Standards

The Sherry FitzGerald Group are committed to working to the highest ethical and legal standards while providing the best service. This is proven through customer testimonials and our company values. We have created a culture of always doing the right thing ensuring that the people working with us have a safe, inclusive, and enjoyable working environment. We invite you to read a bit about where we have come from here



From the 6th July 2012 all estate agents legally operating in Ireland are regulated and licensed by the Property Services Regulatory Authority, also known as the PSRA. 

The Sherry FitzGerald Group are licenced by the PSRA and have built on the standards set down by the PSRA. We have implemented a series of policies, protocols and procedures through our internal staff handbook and ongoing staff training. Staff in all areas of the Group receive ongoing training to ensure that we are consistently working to provide the highest service levels to our clients while also complying with all applicable legislation and regulation. We have a dedicated Customer Insights department who carry out surveys with our customers and the responses received are fed directly back to both management and staff through presentations and training, we are continuously learning and improving.

Sherry FitzGerald Group also have a Compliance Department who provide all staff with information and training to assist them to meet the legal obligations imposed on them through the various pieces of legislation e.g. PSR Act, 2011, Criminal Justice (Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing) Act 2010, GDPR, and the European Union (Energy Performance of Buildings) Regulations 2012. Compliance levels are monitored on an ongoing basis and fed back into senior management as well as each business unit. The Compliance Department are available as a resource to clients should they have any queries on how the legislation effects them as users of the services of a licenced property service provider. 


PSRA Licence Numbers

Sherry FitzGerald Limited – 002183
Sherry FitzGerald Countrywide Limited – 001628


Our Complaints Policy

At Sherry FitzGerald we continually strive to provide the best possible service to our clients. In the event you have a complaint on any aspect of the service you received we commit to: 

  • Dealing with your complaint fairly and in a timely manner
  • Resolving the issue as quickly as possible with minimum fuss
  • Treating you with respect and ensuring that you are dealt with in a courteous, fair and prompt manner


Complaints and Redress Procedures

Step 1: Address your complaint verbally to the manager of the local office that you are dealing with. If you are unhappy with the outcome of the conversation please put your complaint in writing and address it to the owner of the franchise office you were dealing with or, if your complaint relates to either Sherry FitzGerald Limited or Sherry FitzGerald Countrywide Limited, please write to the Operations Director of the relevant Group company. Complaints relating to Sherry FitzGerald Limited and Sherry FitzGerald Countrywide Limited can be received by post at:

Operations Director
(Enter relevant group company)
Silverstone House
Ballymoss Road
Dublin 18

Complaints relating to Sherry FitzGerald Limited and Sherry FitzGerald Countrywide Limited can also be sent by email to complaints@sherryfitz.ie


Step 2: The Operations Director will acknowledge receipt of your complaint. If the matter cannot be resolved immediately, the complaint will be actively investigated and a comprehensive response will be sent to you within 14 working days of receipt.

Step 3: Any subsequent or follow-up enquiries received will continue to be dealt with by the Operations Director until the complaint is resolved to your full satisfaction. Your complaint may result in a disciplinary action for the person in question.

Step 4: If after the three steps outlined above are completed and you are dissatisfied by the outcome of our investigations of your complaint, you have a right to refer the complaint to the Property Services Regulatory Authority. A copy of their complaints process can be found on their website: www.psr.ie.

Step 5: All correspondence regarding complaints will be retained for a period of six years.


Sherry FitzGerald Gender Pay Reporting

Sherry FitzGerald have had a long history and awareness of promoting fair gender representation in the workplace. We have a strong workforce of talented men and women, that are supported and encouraged in career advancement and recognised equitably in succession planning. In addition, we have adapted best practices regarding equal opportunities and employ consistent salary bands for both men and women however, like many companies we recognise that there are challenges regarding gender pay gaps.      

The Government introduced a mandatory gender pay gap reporting legislation in 2022 for companies with a headcount of 250+ employees. Gender pay gap is the difference in the average gross hourly pay of women compared with men in an organisation and it is a key metric in identifying whether women are represented evenly across an organisation. It is important to note that a gender pay gap is not the same as equal pay and does not indicate discrimination or bias rather a representation of a gender pay gap. 

The new gender pay gap legislation gives the organisation an opportunity to analyse and recognise where a gap exists, and our aim will be to introduce future measures to close the gaps and create a continued culture of equality, inclusivity, and gender balance. Following our analysis, we have identified a gender pay gap exists however we are satisfied that we have pay parity in comparable roles for men and women across the business. The goal for our company is to create parity across all genders in the workplace and create a better culture for gender balance, transparency, and equality.


Gender Pay Report 2024 


Gender Pay Report 2023


Gender Pay Report 2022


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