Mortgage Calculator

Sample Mortgage Options

  1. Below example options are based on a €300,000 mortgage over 30 years with a 10% deposit.

    Use the calculator on the left to customise your mortgage options.

    Rate Type Max LTV
    3.65% 1 Year FixedThis mortgage option may require a minimum BER rated property in order to be eligible 90% 4.2% €1,320
    3.95% 3 Year FixedThis mortgage option may qualify for a cashback incentive 90% 4.05% €1,297
    3.95% 5 Year FixedThis mortgage option may qualify for a cashback incentive 90% 4.05% €1,297
    3.95% 10 Year FixedThis mortgage option may qualify for a cashback incentive 90% 4.05% €1,297
    4.15% VariableThis mortgage option may require a minimum BER rated property in order to be eligible 90% 4.3% €1,336

    The above rates are indicative of what your monthly payments would be.
    Start your no commitment application now and our specialist mortgage advisors will guide you through the application process.

WARNING: If you do not meet the repayments on your loan, your account will go into arrears.  This may affect your credit rating, which may limit your ability to access credit in the future.

WARNING: If you do not keep up your repayments you may lose your home.

WARNING: You may have to pay charges if you pay off a fixed-rate loan early.

WARNING: The cost of your monthly repayments may increase.

Mortgage Calculator

Thinking of buying a home? One of the first steps is to work out how much you could raise as a mortgage loan. We have created a simple mortgage calculator to indicate what a monthly mortgage repayment may be and estimate the household salary requirements could be for the purchase. 

Sherry FitzGerald Mortgages

We know that applying for a mortgage can feel complex even if it’s not your first time to do so. There’s a lot of paperwork to prepare and detailed information to compile and that’s why we’re here to help lighten the load and make the process run that little bit more smoothly. From mortgage top-ups for home improvements to re-financing for trading up, there will be a product to suit your needs and it’s our job to find the one that most suits you – it’s what we do best.

Help-to-buy incentive

If you are a first-time buyer interested in purchasing a new build property, you may qualify for the help-to-buy scheme. Our complete guide to the Help-to-Buy incentive, a tax refund worth up to €30,000 to home buyers in Ireland will help you: 

  • Confirm you qualify 
  • Assess whether your possible new home fits the criteria 

We’ll also detail the application process and provide you with simple step-by-step instructions. This will help you register for, and secure your tax refund, helping you raise that all-important deposit for your new home. And if you are buying your first home in a new development, you should also read our informative First-Time Buyers – New Homes guide, for plenty of helpful tips and advice.

First Home Scheme

The First Home Scheme is a government affordable housing scheme based on an equity share model. The First Home Scheme will finance up to 30% of your new property. This will reduce to 20% for those who are also participating in the Help to Buy (HTB) scheme.

The First Home Scheme is open to first time buyers for newly built developments.

Under this new First Home Scheme, the purchase of a newly-built home is to be jointly funded by the State and participating mortgage lenders.

For further information on the First Home Scheme and how it could work for you, please visit our information hub.

At Sherry FitzGerald, Mortgages, we’re with you every step of the way, from Getting Mortgage Ready to the Mortgage Process. Review our guide and if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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