Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann 2018
Fáilte Ireland in association with Boyne Valley Tourism and the Fleadh Executive Committee have organised free training sessions for anyone who may come into contact with visitors to the area during the Fleadh such as local tourism businesses, retail assistants, petrol station attendants, taxis drivers, bus drivers etc.
The aim is to prepare them to host the 400,000 people who will attend the Fleadh in Drogheda from August 12th -19th this year. The training is fully subsidised by Fáilte Ireland.
The Fleadh Executive Committee will commence with an introduction to the Fleadh and the Fáilte Ireland training will then cover customer care and Ireland’s Ancient East.
The objective is that they become familiar with the Ireland’s Ancient East brand and all it has to offer and increased awareness and capability to deliver great customer service. The training will include:
- Overview of the Fleadh by the Fleadh Executive Committee
- Introduction to Ireland’s Ancient East
- Rationale for brand
- Development work carried out to date
- Successes to date
- Plans for 2018
- Service Excellence
- Service Excellence philosophy
- The internal and external customer
- Standards of performance
- Reasons why customers choose your business
- Understanding the customer service journey – warm welcomes, customer engagement, fond farewells
- Cross selling to other businesses within Ireland’s Ancient East
Date: Tuesday, February 20th
Time: 9.30am – 1.00pm
Venue: Glenside Hotel, Drogheda
RSVP: cmcdonnell@discoverboynevalley.ie by Wednesday 14th February (first come, first served)
Most Suitable for: Front Of House Staff in Hotels and accommodation and anyone dealing directly with tourists.
Further dates for Fleadh training are planned for June and July. No charge to individuals.